Sunday, January 18, 2015

Menu for January 18-31.... Kinda

If you need some help with the whole freezer meal thing, here are few posts I did with some tips:
Tips and Tricks for Freezing Meals, My Prep for the Week, Meal Plan and My Process

Sunday, January 18-- ??  Adam will be gone all day at a softball clinic... the kids and I will just eat whatever I can find! :)

Monday, January 19-- Quick Skillet Steak, Mushrooms, and Onions, zucchini and carrots

Tuesday, January 20--Chicken Stir Fry (Chicken, rice, broccoli and carrots-- using this recipe for the Teriyaki sauce)

Wednesday, January 21-- Hawaiian Chicken (made it like 2 weeks ago.  Still haven't eaten it! haha), couscous, organic corn

Thursday, January 22-- Taco Chili (I have a meeting after school, so another crock pot meal will have to do!)

Friday, January 23-- Homemade pizza.  (I buy whole wheat pizza crusts, organic pizza sauce, cheese, and pepperoni.  I also cook some peppers and add those.  Super good.  Super easy.)

Saturday, January 24--

Sunday, January 25--

Monday, January 26-- Lasagna, salad

Tuesday, January 27-- Southwest Chicken Bake, organic corn, Spanish rice

Wednesday, January 28-- Sweet Garlic Chicken, couscous, green beans

Thursday, January 29--

Friday, January 30--

Saturday, January 31--

Sometimes I can't do two complete weeks worth.  Why?  Because my brain can't handle it.  Because I am so OCD.. and the next thing I know it's been 2 hours and I still have like 5 days to figure out.  So then I'm over it.  I try to do one "Mexican" dish and one pasta dish a week.  Sometimes, I feel like every freezer meal is some kind of taco thing, or something involving pasta.  So I  start obsessing over finding new recipes.  But, after you've looked at as many recipes as I have, they all are basically the same.  Give or take an ingredient or two.  And then I think I have found a new recipe and it uses "Cream of" something soup.  And I'm too lazy to figure out a substitute.  So... I don't have a complete two week menu for you today.  So sorry.  And they aren't all freezer meals.  Again, so sorry.  I'm over it.  :)

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February 2025 Meals

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup   Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies