Saturday, February 8, 2014

Menu for Feb 10 week

Every 2 weeks, I make my menus (2 weeks worth) and make my list to go grocery shopping. I love to go grocery shopping (I know, I'm weird).  However, I only go on the weekends.  I don't have time during the week.  If we need something, I will make do without it during the week.  Anyhow.  I buy what I need for 2 weeks worth of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.  The weekend after the menu-planned-shopping-trip, I normally have to go back to the store for milk, eggs, deli lunch meat, or something we ran out of that I didn't plan for.

Also, while I love the planning and list making, I don't always stick to the menu.  If I don't feel like having Monday's meal on Monday, I will pull something else out of the freezer.  I do keep some type of crock pot meal on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays because we aren't here to cook.  (And Adam has started calling Mondays "Mexican Mondays."  Apparently, I cook Mexican food every Monday.  Whatever! haha) 

So, here's the "plan" for this week:

Sunday:  Mini Turkey Meatballs, green beans, carrots in coconut oil and Himalayan salt 

Monday (dance night)-- Crock pot chicken fajitas from Stacy Makes Cents 
--I didn't chop up peppers and onion.  I used bag of frozen fajita mix veggies (which is peppers and onions.)
--I put everything in a bag and froze it last week.  I will put it in the fridge tonight.

Tuesday-- Cheeseburger wraps (from here) with sweet potato fries (homemade using this recipe) and steamed broccoli

Wednesday (gymnastics night)--Easy Chicken on a Bed of Veggies

Thursday (gymnastics again)--Stuffed Bell Peppers (I've never tried this recipe before.  But, it looks easy.  And sounds good.  I'll let you know what we think!)

Friday--Valentine's Day!  (And I will not be cooking!)

Saturday-- Paleo Pizza (I never made it last week, even though it was on the "menu."  Eh..  it happens!)

What's on your menu for the week?
Have y'all tried any of these recipes yet?

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February 2025 Meals

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup   Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies