Friday, July 22, 2016

How a Normal(ish) Person Uses Essential Oils

Whenever my use of essential oils comes up in conversation, I get either looks of genuine curiosity or, "Girl, you crazy."  However, I'm not going to get into all the reasons why I started using essential oils.  Not today.  But, I will tell you some of my favs and how/ why I use them.  

Lavender--Helps with sleep.  
  • I put some on the bottom of my feet before bed every night.  
  • Carter puts two drops in his diffuser every night.  
  • One drop makes oil pulling so much easier!  (Which I so haven't done since school got out!  Oops!)
  • Harp kept a roller bottle in her classroom last year to help with headaches.  She also uses it when she gets car sick. 
  • Paired with Wild Orange in our diffuser in the morning, it helps you focus and wake up! 
Lavender and Melaleuca
  • I keep these two in a roller bottle mixed with fractionated coconut oil and use it on different skin irritations.... ok.. fine... under my arms after I shave.  That's what I mostly use it for.  There.  I said it. 
  • I also make my own deodorant and use these two oils in the recipe.  (I'm gonna have to save my whole deodorant drama later.  That's definitely a different post.) 
Cypress--Used to "beautify skin"
  • I mix this with lotion and put it on my legs to help with my spider and varicose veins.  (Thanks a lot, Harper.)
Lemon--So many uses for this one!!
  • We put some in our water
  • Mix it with baking soda for an all natural carpet deodorizer.
  • Also removes sticky residue off of anything!
Focus blend*
  • Carter uses this on a leather bracelet to help him focus during the day at school.
Grounding blend*
  • Originally, Carter started using this blend (along with peppermint) on a bracelet to help with anxiety (the peppermint was to help him focus).  He eventually stopped using it.  
Respiratory blend*
  • Harper uses this in her diffuser every night.  She doesn't need her allergy medicine anymore... and she stopped snoring!
Anti-Aging blend*
  • I use this roller bottle every night as part of my nighttime facial routine.
Calming blend*
  • My FAV!  I love to diffuse this at night, after dinner,
  • I also diffused it last year before my last class of the day.  Just sayin'
  • I also wore it a lot on my diffuser necklace to help with anxiety.  
Metabolic blend*
  • I mix this with lotion and put it on my stomach and legs after I shower.
*I can't give you the real name of these blends.  But, if you want to know more about them, or more about my favorite essential oil brand, click here... or just ask me! 

Ok, friends!  I personally love my oils.  It was overwhelming at first, but so worth the effort to learn more and research.  Let me know if you have any questions.  
Maybe next time I will tell you the deodorant drama.... omg... my life is so weird sometimes...  

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