Friday, 12/29-- Orzo salad
Saturday, 12/30-- Out
Sunday, 12/31-- Frozen lasagna
Monday, 1/1-- New Years Day lunch
Tuesday, 1/2-- Vegan Taco Salad
Wednesday, 1/3-- Vegan Power Bowl
Thursday, 1/4-- One pot Italian skillet
You know how you pin something that says something along the lines of "100 Best Recipes Ever!" and you only like 2 of them? And then you have to remember which pin had that one awesome recipe in it?! Well, that's why I started this blog. This is my list of recipes that we have tried and liked. All in one place. For me to use when cooking and planning my meals. I totally started this for selfish reasons, but now I'm sharing it with you! Maybe it will make your life a little easier, too!
Friday, 12/29-- Orzo salad
Saturday, 12/30-- Out
Sunday, 12/31-- Frozen lasagna
Monday, 1/1-- New Years Day lunch
Tuesday, 1/2-- Vegan Taco Salad
Wednesday, 1/3-- Vegan Power Bowl
Thursday, 1/4-- One pot Italian skillet
Christmas Eve Eve (at Barb's)
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Saturday, April 8-- Chicken and dressing casserole, lima beans, carrots
Sunday, April 9-- Easter
Monday, April 10-- Chicken Cesar salad
Tuesday, April 11-- Vegan Taco Salad
Wednesday, April 12-- Orzo Salad
Thursday, April 13-- Spaghetti
Friday, April 14-- Frozen pizza
Bacon Cheeseburger Soup Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies