Sunday, August 16, 2015

Back to School Organization

In addition to making freezer meals today, I also got the rest of my house ready for school...

There are a lot of cool Pinterest ideas for how to organize book bags and lunchboxes.  However, I don't have the wall space for any of those super cute ideas.  Last year I bought these Command hooks and hung them on the end of the kitchen counter.  Their book bags and lunchboxes both fit.  However, their lunchboxes are usually on the counter getting ready for the next day.  (This is Harp's new book bag, lunchbox, and her Mini Starz bag.  Carter's new book bag and lunchbox haven't come in yet.)

I don't like to use Ziploc bags in their lunch...just because... I don't know... it's one more thing I would have to buy, I guess.  We have plastic containers and these reusable zipper pouches that we use.  I keep them on the counter in a basket.  (In the summer, I move the basket into the pantry because I don't really use them any other time of the year.)

  This Thirty-One organizer keeps all of our papers and school notes.  I have a folder for each kiddo so I can put notes and info specific to them inside.  I also clip important school notes on one of the outside pockets so I can remember upcoming events and deadlines.  (The bottom is for Adam's magazines.)  I also keep crayons in case they need some for homework.  We don't have room in our house for like a cute Pinterest homework area.  Harp does hers at the kitchen table;  Carter has a desk in his room, but he ends up at the table after Harp is done. So, in our pantry I have a section for school stuff.  It annoys me to no end when they have to go searching for a pencil... and then it's not sharpened... and then they (he, mostly Carter!) can't find paper... and then crayons... and... and... This keeps everything accessible and right where they need it.

The last thing I did today was organize their clothes for the week.  (They will be with my Mother-in-Law until Tuesday night so those clothes are in their bags.)  The best thing I ever did was buy these closet organizers.  We pick out their clothes on Sunday night and don't have to worry about it the rest of the week!

I hope this helped you out!  Maybe gave you some ideas to get your house ready for school.  Survival.  It's all about survival :)

Back to School Meals!

OK Friends!  Back to school means back to reality!  And that means back to freezer meals!

In the past, I have relied on Freezer Meals/ Crock Pot Meals because of our schedule.  With Adam coaching and the kids' after school activities, there literally wasn't anybody at the house to cook dinner.  But!  Adam resigned from football!  He is still the Head Varsity Softball coach, but that doesn't start until February.  He will be home earlier after school and be around to help me take the kids to dance and gymnastics and all that jazz.  However, I am still planning to cook some meals ahead of time and plan some crock pot dinners because it makes life so much easier. 

If you have some questions about Freezer Meals, go herehere, or here.  

So... here are the meals I'm starting off with!

Baked Spaghetti (I cooked noodles, sauce, and meat and dumped it all in a freezer bag.  I just need to add cheese the day I want to bake it.)

Cheeseburger Wraps (Just make the meat and freeze it.  Assemble everything the day you plan to eat it.)

Taco Meat using this for the seasoning 

Good luck with your meals!  Let me know if you have any questions! :)

How to Make Your Own Uncrustables

One of the things that I do save money and make life a little easier, is make my own uncrustable sandwiches.  It's so much cheaper and it's nice to already have some sandwiches pre-made.  This is a very "Duh" How-To process, but several people have asked me about it, so here's what I do:

First, I lay out the bread on my cutting board.  Harper doesn't like peanut butter, so I have to do 3 with just jelly.  Keep the peanut butter and/ or jelly in the middle of the bread.  Don't judge my bread, people.  I have found that the "healthy" bread is too small for the Pampered Chef cutter that I use.  So, it is what it is.  (Even though the picture makes it look like it's regular white bread, it's not--it's whole wheat.)  Anyhow!

After you've put the PB&J on, put the other slice of bread on top just like you normally would.  I have a Pampered Chef uncrustable maker thing that I use.  The outside circle cuts the crusts off.  The inside one seals it.

Then, I put each sandwich in a small Ziploc bag.  I have to label "C" and "H" since Harp's sandwiches don't have peanut butter on them.  (Weirdest child ever.)

Then I put each bag in a bigger Ziploc bag and stick it in the freezer! I bought an entire loaf of bread just make uncrustables with.  I usually get 10-12 sandwiches from one loaf.  They don't have a sandwich every day, but it's the perfect option for busy nights when I don't have a lot of time to make their lunches.  It's all about survival, friends! :)

February 2025 Meals

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup   Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies