Saturday, April 26, 2014

Menu for April 28-May 2

I haven't made a menu in over a month.  It has been crazy busy around here.  Even though I was over crock pot meals, I hate not knowing what we are going to have for dinner each night.  Between softball games, dance, gymnastics, birthday parties, Disney World, etc. etc. I haven't sat down in months.  Literally.  (Ok, probably not literally... I mean there was that 8 hour drive to Disney.  And the 12 hour drive back.)

Anyhow.  I was determined to have a plan for this week.  Hoping that this week will be a little less stressful.  HA!  Yeah right.  So I picked crock pot meals that don't require any cooking beforehand--just throw the ingredients in the bag and be done.  Here's the plan:

Monday (Dance)-- Pulled Pork, green beans, couscous

Tuesday-- Teacher of the Year dinner needed!  Adam and I will be will be with my mother in law

Wednesday (Gymnastics)-- Hot dogs on whole wheat buns, peas, carrots, mac and cheese for the kids

Thursday (Gymnastics again)--  Chicken Tacos, salad

Friday, Saturday, Sunday--Who knows!  This was all I could handle this morning! :)

Hope you have a great week!

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February 2025 Meals

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup   Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies