Saturday, February 13, 2016

Menu for February 15- 26

Softball is in full swing!  Which means I need to get back in my menu planning/ freezer meal making routine.  Unfortunately, I don't think my family can handle another crock pot meal.  So... let's see what I can come up with!

Monday, February 15 (dance night)-- Chicken Noodle Soup (I'm going to make it tomorrow in the crock pot and then warm it up after dance.  Mondays are such long days... I don't want to leave the crock pot on, unsupervised, for 12+ hours.)

Tuesday, February 16-- One Pot Chicken Enchilada Bowl

Wednesday, February 17 (chiropractor for me) -- Chicken Parmesan Casserole, Rainbow Veggies

Thursday, February 18 (acrobatics and gymnastics)-- "Grilled" (on the stove in a grilling pan) chicken wraps, mac and cheese, leftover rainbow veggies

Friday, February 19 (chiro again)-- Homemade pizza (store bought whole wheat crusts, sauce, etc.) 

Saturday, February 20 (Talent Show auditions in the morning, Fashion Show/ Mini Starz in the afternoon)--  I don't plan to cook!

Sunday, February 21-- Stouffer's lasagna... sometimes you need a completely no prep, pop in the oven meal

Monday, February 22 (dance)-- Sloppy joes, whatever raw veggies and fruit we have

Tuesday, February 23-- Baked Ravioli, salad

Wednesday, February 24  (chiro)-- Pancakes, bacon, eggs

Thursday, February 25 (acro and gymnastics) -- Baked chicken, organic corn, roasted broccoli, fruit

Friday, February 26 (chiro)-- Subway ... It's called survival :)

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February 2025 Meals

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup   Baked Chicken Tacos Spaghetti with meatballs Chicken sausage and veggies